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Showing posts from June, 2010

Walking in Circles

Well yesterday.... I began AGAIN. Yes..I took to the walking full stride. Mini-Me in tow with me. For some reason, I'm always inspired when I see someone running/jogging and I always say ' hey I want to do that'..... knowing that I have to walk before I run so I walk. I know the routine....start with 3 days 30 yourself up to your goal.... but somewhere along the lines I fizzle out. So now I begin AGAIN. For the last year, I've been so high emotionally and also so low that I had lost all motivation. Things are looking up for me.... so I vow to begin AGAIN. I want to forget the emotional ties of the past or at least to only remember the good times and build on that. Guessing It wasn't for bad as I wanted it to be...Those things weren't meant to be. Some could argue I was doomed for failure because I was too used to my comfort level..... but I want to look at it as I'm choosing to take my comfort level and take IT to anothe