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Showing posts from April, 2011

Planning to Plan it Out

Not only do I have to plan when it comes to getting healthy but I have to set aside some time to plan this plan. I can't just aimlessly go to the grocery store...I have to plan the meals for the week and then go...otherwise when I'm in the kitchen without all my healthy choices then I just have to grab the chips or fry french fries know I have to. And if I don't sit down to plan my week out, then I'll be running late each morning with my normal dress routine and not have time to cook or prepare my healthy thought out breakfast and just be forced to stop at Mickey D for a McGriddle or head down to the Kay Kafe for grits, eggs, and fatback bacon.... see that's what happen to me when I fail to plan. If I continue to fail to plan then I am setting myself up for failure. No doubt. So next time I'm chillax'n watching a lil tube, I'll break out the planner and a pen and make it a productive hour. Sunshyne Out.

Laying Out with South Beach

I'm going to adapt the principles of the South Beach plan AGAIN. Starting Monday (lol) I was really inspired by a few articles I read on yesterday and remembered the success I've had before so I am going to follow my doctor's advice and use the SB method. I am going to strike the word diet out of my vocabulary because as I learned this is a way of life....has to be adopted for life. I started out with one blood pressure pill, but since the surgery I am now taking 6 YES 6. It's ridiculous...I hate it. So why keep promising myself that each Monday I'll do better.... It's time to do better. It's like turning on the water faucet expecting to see orange juice. I keep turning on the same damn faucet knowing damn well no orange juice coming out.... time to do something different if I want to see something different. Yay me. Stay tuned....but after this weekend cuz you know how we all the bad stuff this weekend since we gonna start fresh on Monday. Always M

Brand New Monday

I start over every Monday.... yep. Every Sunday evening I convince myself that this week will be different... starting Monday...I'm going to work out everyday for 30 minutes.... starting Monday, I'm not going to eat any white carbs this week. I'm going to do situps each night before I go to bed.....YUP starting Monday....It's on.! Whatever keeps me going. Even if I only make it to Wednesday...I figure that 3 days out of the week that I was motivated....better than zero days... so sue me.