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Showing posts from February, 2012

Fit Chick Bootcamp in Full Effect....

I started a week late into a Fit Chick Bootcamp. I find that I need someone yelling for me to do specific things...i like group motivates me to not look like the one girl that can't keep up. Today was a two hour class and after a dance and stretch  aerobit workout for about 35 minutes, the instruction informed us we would be taking a 3 mile powerwalk. I haven't walked that far since my 5k in October (yes 4 months ago) ...but I handled it like a trooper. Wasn't in the front of the group but I kept pretty good pace and wasn't last either. I finished in good time. My muscles are sore like crazy but I'm glad I'm back in a group challenging class.

Nothing Going On.....Nothing going down.

Long and short of it....I'm stuck with weight loss. Could be I'm not pushing myself enough...could be I'm still over-portioned....could be my metabolism... Could, Would, Should. UGH. I read alot of blogs and websites boasting people that follow some slight modification for one week and lose over 5lbs....I've never experienced that. Even in the beginning, my loss has never been over 2lbs at a time. Very frustrating because I've made alot of changes in my physical activities and eating habits. I've even helped others with their plan. Ugh. Not discouraged enough to give up but I am discouraged. I just don't want to feel like I have to give up every single thing I enjoy in life. oh well....Sunshyne Out.