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Showing posts from January, 2011

drooping stomach

I've always been heavier than my friends...even growing up.....but I've always had a nice shape...good proportioned. Lately I've noticed the droopy stomach.. my belly has always had fat but not that ugly droop that flaps down...ugh. No tightness to it. I know you can't spot lose but I gotta lose it. I gotta do whatever needs to be done to lose it. I spend a great deal of my day reading health news, reading motivational and inspiration stories of weight loss and regaining control of your health. Mainly I do this to stay always stay thinking of my weight. I'm very conscience of every single morsel I put in my mouth.... whether good or bad. I don't do every thing I should do but I don't eat sweets, I don't eat bread, I hardly eat carbs....I need to exercise more but I'm getting there. I'm proud of the steps that I have taken....but the road is long.... very long.

1-1-11....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Start over day AGAIN!! Yep every January 1st I make all these promises and by December 31st I'm wondering what happened AGAIN. This Year is yeah I say that every year too. I'm about to turn 40 years old and the few lifestyle changes I have incorporated I hope to strengthen I will continue to read more about healthy eating and the effects on my body. I will have my surgery this year and with that I will get my self together. I WILL LOOK GOOD I have chosen to follow the no flour, no sugar diet of Dr. Gott. I don't think it will be that hard but I guess we'll see, won't we. I want to commit to keeping up with my fitness and nutrition journal....last year I was so sporatic with it. but as the year progressed I realized it helped me be accountable to ME. This is only about me and how I feel. I just looked up what I logged at this time last year....found that I weighted 229 which is a 21 pound gain over the year. My bottomline goal is 18