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Showing posts from June, 2011

Sheer Determination....

"Ain't Nothing to it but to do it"...."Only thing keeping you from your goal is YOU"...yes I know all the catch phrases...all the right things to say to myself to boost up my determination. And this year I think I have done it to myself long enough. I am sooooo focused on me now. For years upon years I worried about making everyone happy but myself...I mean I knew I would be content in the process but was I really happy all these years. I'm not sure. I will NEVER be a skinny girl...don't even want to be...Love my curves...but love my LIFE more...and right now I'm unhealthy...I am running on sheer determination to change that fact. I will not stop till I feel healthy...till I am no longer on ANY medication for making bad decisions in the past. I read I should have at least 30 minutes of exercise 3xper week....well that will get me I'm shooting for minimum 30 minutes on 5 days... and I said minimum because 30 minutes is nothing.... I a

My curl exactly!!

Look at this.... I'm hold ing up a strand of my own hair and a strand of weave.... can't tell can you? Nope...this hair is an exact match of my natural hair... No one can ever tell unless I tell's hilarious. I love it because my hair is very thick but not as full as I would like it to be so sometimes I add in a track or two to "help" me out. I've let alot of black grow in....ALOT... lol. And it's darker than the 1b/30 weave... it's been so long since I've seen my roots in their natural stage that I just didn't even realize my hair is really black...not off black... jet black.. I love it. Thought about dying the rest but kinda feeling this.

What a great disciplined week!!!! well sorta...

I actually worked out 5 of the last 7 days.... a feat in itself for me. I been doing really good ... compared to my past. YAY me. I'm even trying to start back getting up at 5:30am to get in my workout.... thinking that if I put forth the effort to workout in the am then even if "life" gets in the way in the evening, I've still gotten in some aerobic activity. Only thing is it's hard to do Billy Blanks Bootcamp at the last two days I've done WATP 3 mile powerwalk. Almost like Billy is too intense for so early in the morning.... I know ALL mental but give me a few days...ugh I'm getting there. I was hurting for days after Bootcamp but still mustered thru the next. Now as far as eating... my first step in the RIGHT DIRECTION was portion controlled lunches. I have not been down to buy anything from the Kay Kafe but instead have been bringing frozen it still processed which I hope to get away from soon but dang one step at a time. This