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Showing posts from November, 2009

Desparate Bitches!!

What ever happened to the high standards of women? Why are so many females stooping to new lows to find, get or keep a man? Nowadays men don't even have to work hard to get the nookie.... lately I've been running into a few females that don't even care when it's obvious that the man is TAKEN. And on the rare occasion that you're with a good decent man who instead of hurting females feelings choose to attempt to remain friends, why is it so hard for women to separate the two. (Even tho you warned him.  He wouldn't heed your warning that this trick was after  Now us good girls, trying to do as Patsy Cline says and stand by our man are perceived as insecure or weak-minded simply because we get tired of the antics and finally blow off some steam. Now for you ladies that's yelling at me to not be blinded by HIS tactics, trust me I'm not. I fully believe that the main chick should deal with the nigga she with NOT the female throwing salt or the fe
This is my A.D.D. picture as my daughter calls it. "Awww look a butterfly.... now what were we talking about". This pictures reminds me to FOCUS. This weekend I want to direct my focus inward and do something that makes me feel good. Not sure what that is yet...any suggestions welcome. I want to encourage others to do the same. If you keep trying to be everything to everybody, you'll become nothing good for yourself.

New Beginnings (AGAIN...LOL)

What's up everyone. I decided to start afresh.... delete old blog, get my mind a tad bit clearer, and try to get some direction in life. But I quickly realized that writing is a great way to clear some thoughts, sooooo here I am again. Since I'm dealing with all angles of me...I'm going to revist some old napptural photos - Des here baby iz wherez I come from....