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Showing posts from July, 2011

Got Me Moving Like a Cyclone....

OMG I love Zumba again. I've always loved dancing even when I don't know the moves yet. I'm on a quest to make sure my "workouts" don't become boring... So I got my walk group on Mondays and had been walking alone on 3 other days but thank goodness one of my friends suggested I join her for Zumba at one of the local churches on Tuesdays and Thursdays....and no I didn't know the moves but hey I can shake my tail with the best of them so cha-cha-left-right swerve it!!. I use to be so self-conscience about doing things in public settings....lawd I am so over that. And I thought it would be all spanish type music but ooooh nooo sistah girl played some of my booty dropping pole dancing music....I loved it. And the class size was perfect. Small enough to get to know everyone but not so large that you get lost in the shuffle. I will definitely make this a part of my weekly activities. Now if I could just learn the moves..... cha-cha-cha. Sunshyne Shimming Out.

So Pumped!

Don't know why but I'm so motivated and pumped today. Love Fridays. Got plenty of sleep last night cuz I been feeling like crap the last few days. Looking forward to starting my 5k training on Monday. Yay me. Kinda wish I had pushed myself a little more and joined the beginners running group....ugh i took the safe route and started with a walking group.(hmmm wonder if I can change groups)...oh well there's always next time....AND THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME!! I have on a breezy summer outfit today and have sashayed across campus and had several people stop me to say I was cute and swinging like I'm on a runway....and it was women at that. Nice when other sisters not dogging your name and putting you down. I'm going to try not to eat too far off plan this weekend and to also get in 2 good walks/jogs. I always get abit too carefree on the weekends with my fitness but I'm determined to turn that around and think of it has just another day in the life. Loving My Life.

Vacay From Real Life.... I'm Back!

OK so yes I've been on vacation in the Bahamas for the last week.... and now that i've laid out being lazy, eating whatever i felt like eating -- I can now say 'Damn it's gonna be hard to get back into my exercise and eating right". I mean if this is a lifestyle change, then why was it so easy to take a vacay from eating healthy and staying active. I hate when I have this big ass revelation after the fact....I hate I couldn't convince myself to act right in the first place. But what I realize is this: it's natural to take a mental vacation from the normal routine....I just should have found other ways to do it. It's all about how you make it work. So instead of walking 3 miles.... I should have taken a stroll around the deck. There were plenty of activities such as basketball, powerwalking, and rock climbing; and some I did engaged in such as dancing, walking, and paddle boating . Sometimes when we take a break from our regular fitness routine, we can c