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Showing posts from 2011

Wanting Fit Body NOW!!

I'm trynna motivate myself today.... I always feel like I'm not giving this my all...not pushing myself quite enough. I am very consistent.... I work out a minimum of four days per week...but usually 5 full exertion....And although I know that the healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week...I'm still pissed off when all I see is a 1 or 2 pound loss. But then I have to put it in prespective...I've only been serious since the first week of August. I've been bullshitting and throwing my health down the drain for 40 years but I expect results immediately. It's funny how we want everything immediately, hardly wanting to put in the real work to get the results we want. But I'm in this for the long haul. I think each day I learn something new to incorporate into my life that will bring me closer to a healthier me. I probably do need to push myself just a bit more and exercise discipline but I also have to remember "Slow and Steady Wins This Ra

Da Real Challenge - Da Weekend!

ok...Made it to Friday....(TGIF) I can be VERY disciplined during the week...I mean going to work puts you on an easy workable schedule. My hardest part was packing/planning my breakfast and lunch. Even dinners went smoothly. I baked meat so each night I only had to figure out what sides to go along. I ate fruits instead of coffee and drank plenty of water......But here comes the weekend...that's usually when I go buck fuck wild. It's not unusual for me to eat out all three days of the weekend...and I guess that would be fine if I choose wisely but I don't...I get the cheesy appetizer, the overportioned entree and 3 alcoholic beverages...but hey I didn't say But anyway...this weekend I probably will have one cheat meal...but I won't have a cheat day. Hey baby steps!! We all gotta crawl before we walk.

Getting Down with Supreme 90

So in addition to my 3 zumba classes and one day of circuit boot camp, I have decided to add in Supreme 90 Day. My free time is consumed with exercising.... whatever it takes. I don't overindulge in foods anyway, but I can stand to make some I did. My meals are portion controlled this week and scheduled into 5 smaller meals, my water intake is up considerably and I've added this workout set to my arsenal of ways to get fit. High Intensity Interval Training is considered essential to moving past a plateau in your weightloss and seeing some results. Based on the concept of muscle confusion to maximize results. So why not? what have I got to lose....except some more weight. Wish me Luck.... Sunshyne Out.

Day 7. ok bad me....i forgot to all

Today I was rushing time for breakfast... then I was suppose to meet best friend for lunch but she was running I kept working...then just didn't eat... I know that's horrible. I'll eat too much tonight ugh.... I'll make a conscience effort to not eat too much. At least I had water most of the day...and yesterday's Zumba was not as intense but still a good sweaty workout.

Day 6 / 90 day fit challenge...GET'N IT IN.

WOW, I haven't blogged for an entire month. Ok Ok I'm back on it. I definitely want to be able to track my progress....any progress. So I been consistently working out every week and can kinda see some toning being defined but I am barely budging on the scale. It's almost the new year...yay...but I would hate to say on New Year's Day that I'm the same or worse weight as last year. So I have kicked it into overdrive. Starting logging on October 1st and making sure I make better choices....mind you I haven't been going hog wild anyway so I don't really understand what the prob'm iz. Well today is Day 6 and I'll be in Zumba class whch I love. That will make it 5 out of the last 6 dayz that I've incorporated exercies into my day. Yay me. I'm still at around 245lbs....I will verify accurately on the weekend. Feeling really sluggish today and dats even though I took a vitamin this morning.... had some cold cereal for breakfast, grapes for snack and

Confidence Lives Here Baybee!

I love receiving compliments....I mean damn I am a girly girl. But you can best believe your compliment doesn't define me or swell my head....and if you wanna know why - it's cause I know I be looking my best. I love who I am and how I look. I take pride in how I leave the house each morning...(well usually...I mean we all have fuck-it dayz...) I know there are guys who think thick-misses need a confidence boost...but naw dude that chick ain't me. I'm pretty good at discerning the compliment tho. Weight and Low Self Esteem does NOT live together in my body. Just because I'm overweight doesn't mean I'm ashamed or uncomfortable with my body. Naw boo.....move the fuck on. My level of confidence in myself is thru the you will get no thanks for boosting my ego. Some call it arrogance... but I'm not running around pushing myself on folks...I'm very approachable and friendly to and women alike. "She walk like she all that"

Energy To Burn

This week I started taking a vitamin supplement and so I've had some extra umph and shake in my dance during class. I hope that equates to pounds dropped on the scale but I don't feel it does. Guess I'm so use to staying at the same point on the scale that I don't even expect more even though I'm working hard to adapt new habits. I have a looooonnnng way to go. Not having sweets is almost second nature is having bread....I can do without it with no problem. Chips that's another And although we don't eat out as often now, if someone ask me to go out I will and my decision at the restaurant will not be all. But I'm determined....I will gradually and eventually get better.

All About da A's

I am so inspired by reading others I had to catch up reading Jodie  @Not bigger than a baby elephant....and she asked how will we make our August Astounding. So keeping with that theme I want to relook at my goals. In August, I will have to be more ADVENTUROUS and ASSERTIVE with my workouts. ADOPT better eating habits, develop more APPEALING meal options, be more ATTENTIVE with my time management, take ADVANTAGE of the classes being offered, be ABSOLUTELY committed, overcome ADVERSITY, be ALERT of hidden obstacles, hug my ADORABLE kids more, kiss my AWESOME husband more, and never forget how AWESOME AND ATTRACTIVE I really am - inside and out!!. Dangit I used Awesome twice...oh well we both must be awesome. lol. Sunshyne Out.

Dominican Blowout on Natural Hair

Yes I finally did it....I'm scared of heat damage so this was a big step for me. I love that I can truly see my growth but I do love the curls/coils of my natural hair.  They just demand attention. I feel more myself and confident with my natural hair.....but this was a nice change....and I'm all about having fun and change.

Got Me Moving Like a Cyclone....

OMG I love Zumba again. I've always loved dancing even when I don't know the moves yet. I'm on a quest to make sure my "workouts" don't become boring... So I got my walk group on Mondays and had been walking alone on 3 other days but thank goodness one of my friends suggested I join her for Zumba at one of the local churches on Tuesdays and Thursdays....and no I didn't know the moves but hey I can shake my tail with the best of them so cha-cha-left-right swerve it!!. I use to be so self-conscience about doing things in public settings....lawd I am so over that. And I thought it would be all spanish type music but ooooh nooo sistah girl played some of my booty dropping pole dancing music....I loved it. And the class size was perfect. Small enough to get to know everyone but not so large that you get lost in the shuffle. I will definitely make this a part of my weekly activities. Now if I could just learn the moves..... cha-cha-cha. Sunshyne Shimming Out.

So Pumped!

Don't know why but I'm so motivated and pumped today. Love Fridays. Got plenty of sleep last night cuz I been feeling like crap the last few days. Looking forward to starting my 5k training on Monday. Yay me. Kinda wish I had pushed myself a little more and joined the beginners running group....ugh i took the safe route and started with a walking group.(hmmm wonder if I can change groups)...oh well there's always next time....AND THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME!! I have on a breezy summer outfit today and have sashayed across campus and had several people stop me to say I was cute and swinging like I'm on a runway....and it was women at that. Nice when other sisters not dogging your name and putting you down. I'm going to try not to eat too far off plan this weekend and to also get in 2 good walks/jogs. I always get abit too carefree on the weekends with my fitness but I'm determined to turn that around and think of it has just another day in the life. Loving My Life.

Vacay From Real Life.... I'm Back!

OK so yes I've been on vacation in the Bahamas for the last week.... and now that i've laid out being lazy, eating whatever i felt like eating -- I can now say 'Damn it's gonna be hard to get back into my exercise and eating right". I mean if this is a lifestyle change, then why was it so easy to take a vacay from eating healthy and staying active. I hate when I have this big ass revelation after the fact....I hate I couldn't convince myself to act right in the first place. But what I realize is this: it's natural to take a mental vacation from the normal routine....I just should have found other ways to do it. It's all about how you make it work. So instead of walking 3 miles.... I should have taken a stroll around the deck. There were plenty of activities such as basketball, powerwalking, and rock climbing; and some I did engaged in such as dancing, walking, and paddle boating . Sometimes when we take a break from our regular fitness routine, we can c

Sheer Determination....

"Ain't Nothing to it but to do it"...."Only thing keeping you from your goal is YOU"...yes I know all the catch phrases...all the right things to say to myself to boost up my determination. And this year I think I have done it to myself long enough. I am sooooo focused on me now. For years upon years I worried about making everyone happy but myself...I mean I knew I would be content in the process but was I really happy all these years. I'm not sure. I will NEVER be a skinny girl...don't even want to be...Love my curves...but love my LIFE more...and right now I'm unhealthy...I am running on sheer determination to change that fact. I will not stop till I feel healthy...till I am no longer on ANY medication for making bad decisions in the past. I read I should have at least 30 minutes of exercise 3xper week....well that will get me I'm shooting for minimum 30 minutes on 5 days... and I said minimum because 30 minutes is nothing.... I a

My curl exactly!!

Look at this.... I'm hold ing up a strand of my own hair and a strand of weave.... can't tell can you? Nope...this hair is an exact match of my natural hair... No one can ever tell unless I tell's hilarious. I love it because my hair is very thick but not as full as I would like it to be so sometimes I add in a track or two to "help" me out. I've let alot of black grow in....ALOT... lol. And it's darker than the 1b/30 weave... it's been so long since I've seen my roots in their natural stage that I just didn't even realize my hair is really black...not off black... jet black.. I love it. Thought about dying the rest but kinda feeling this.

What a great disciplined week!!!! well sorta...

I actually worked out 5 of the last 7 days.... a feat in itself for me. I been doing really good ... compared to my past. YAY me. I'm even trying to start back getting up at 5:30am to get in my workout.... thinking that if I put forth the effort to workout in the am then even if "life" gets in the way in the evening, I've still gotten in some aerobic activity. Only thing is it's hard to do Billy Blanks Bootcamp at the last two days I've done WATP 3 mile powerwalk. Almost like Billy is too intense for so early in the morning.... I know ALL mental but give me a few days...ugh I'm getting there. I was hurting for days after Bootcamp but still mustered thru the next. Now as far as eating... my first step in the RIGHT DIRECTION was portion controlled lunches. I have not been down to buy anything from the Kay Kafe but instead have been bringing frozen it still processed which I hope to get away from soon but dang one step at a time. This

Vibe Bohemium Curl & Model Model Wet-n-Wavy

Flip Da Switch

I actually think my mindset is changing. Me....avid coffee-drinker....has had no problem dropping the coffee this week. Think I was drinking it more out of habit than anything. It was just part of my normal routine. And I decided to completely stop snacking and so far so good.... oh except that bite of brownie last daughter decided to bake and it was just calling my name....ugh. But I'm finding that if I bring me some fruits to nibble on that I don't think of snacking... my downfall is chips...but I don't want to sabotage all the workouts I've actually done this week. I've had three active days in a row and today I will do some form of aerobic activity. Last week I only did two days or maybe it was three...hmmph all I know is it felt like a lackluster performance week. Now I know that weekdays are not my problem...the real test will be the weekend. We always eat out on the weekend....always. Fridays especially....But whether I do or not...I will at least

Planning to Plan it Out

Not only do I have to plan when it comes to getting healthy but I have to set aside some time to plan this plan. I can't just aimlessly go to the grocery store...I have to plan the meals for the week and then go...otherwise when I'm in the kitchen without all my healthy choices then I just have to grab the chips or fry french fries know I have to. And if I don't sit down to plan my week out, then I'll be running late each morning with my normal dress routine and not have time to cook or prepare my healthy thought out breakfast and just be forced to stop at Mickey D for a McGriddle or head down to the Kay Kafe for grits, eggs, and fatback bacon.... see that's what happen to me when I fail to plan. If I continue to fail to plan then I am setting myself up for failure. No doubt. So next time I'm chillax'n watching a lil tube, I'll break out the planner and a pen and make it a productive hour. Sunshyne Out.

Laying Out with South Beach

I'm going to adapt the principles of the South Beach plan AGAIN. Starting Monday (lol) I was really inspired by a few articles I read on yesterday and remembered the success I've had before so I am going to follow my doctor's advice and use the SB method. I am going to strike the word diet out of my vocabulary because as I learned this is a way of life....has to be adopted for life. I started out with one blood pressure pill, but since the surgery I am now taking 6 YES 6. It's ridiculous...I hate it. So why keep promising myself that each Monday I'll do better.... It's time to do better. It's like turning on the water faucet expecting to see orange juice. I keep turning on the same damn faucet knowing damn well no orange juice coming out.... time to do something different if I want to see something different. Yay me. Stay tuned....but after this weekend cuz you know how we all the bad stuff this weekend since we gonna start fresh on Monday. Always M

Brand New Monday

I start over every Monday.... yep. Every Sunday evening I convince myself that this week will be different... starting Monday...I'm going to work out everyday for 30 minutes.... starting Monday, I'm not going to eat any white carbs this week. I'm going to do situps each night before I go to bed.....YUP starting Monday....It's on.! Whatever keeps me going. Even if I only make it to Wednesday...I figure that 3 days out of the week that I was motivated....better than zero days... so sue me.

drooping stomach

I've always been heavier than my friends...even growing up.....but I've always had a nice shape...good proportioned. Lately I've noticed the droopy stomach.. my belly has always had fat but not that ugly droop that flaps down...ugh. No tightness to it. I know you can't spot lose but I gotta lose it. I gotta do whatever needs to be done to lose it. I spend a great deal of my day reading health news, reading motivational and inspiration stories of weight loss and regaining control of your health. Mainly I do this to stay always stay thinking of my weight. I'm very conscience of every single morsel I put in my mouth.... whether good or bad. I don't do every thing I should do but I don't eat sweets, I don't eat bread, I hardly eat carbs....I need to exercise more but I'm getting there. I'm proud of the steps that I have taken....but the road is long.... very long.

1-1-11....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Start over day AGAIN!! Yep every January 1st I make all these promises and by December 31st I'm wondering what happened AGAIN. This Year is yeah I say that every year too. I'm about to turn 40 years old and the few lifestyle changes I have incorporated I hope to strengthen I will continue to read more about healthy eating and the effects on my body. I will have my surgery this year and with that I will get my self together. I WILL LOOK GOOD I have chosen to follow the no flour, no sugar diet of Dr. Gott. I don't think it will be that hard but I guess we'll see, won't we. I want to commit to keeping up with my fitness and nutrition journal....last year I was so sporatic with it. but as the year progressed I realized it helped me be accountable to ME. This is only about me and how I feel. I just looked up what I logged at this time last year....found that I weighted 229 which is a 21 pound gain over the year. My bottomline goal is 18