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Showing posts from 2010

Facing Da Desk

OMG...I am about to lay my head down and fall out right here on this desk. My energy level is ZERO!! I have been reading alot about maintaining sugar levels to avoid this sluggish feeling that I always get after lunch. Today I broke all the rules and ate a slice of BBQ pizza...loaded down with chicken. It was very good. Now I might have saved a little face if I wouldn't have swung around to the fried food section and grabbed a serving of tater tots. What's so sad is I know I didn't need them and after I made it back to eat them ...they really wasn't that good and was fried too hard. I'm going back to keeping my daily log makes me accountable to mainly myself. I have "creeped" back up to 250lbs and I REFUSE to get any higher. People admire my confidence in my sexy body even at my before I lose that confidence I got to make changes back to eating healthy and exercising again. My iron has been better this week. I'm going to take advantag

JUMPING out of this circle...

YAY!!! I'm finally getting set up to have a hysterectomy....and just as I'm turning 40. Why would anyone want to put themselved thru that torture? Cause my body been tortoring me for years!!! I walk around damn near feeling dead and my doctor says 'well go see a oncologist, he'll give you some iron'... so I go and feel better for a minute...then that time of month come around...I lose alot of blood so I go to the ob/gyn because I'm in so much pain and she says 'well lets try this procedure and then go see your primary doc get your pressure under control' Primary doc says well here's you some HBP pills but now your blood low again...better go see the oncologist again....oncologist says wow because your iron is so low, your heart is doing double should see the cardiologist to make sure your heart is fine. .... See I've been on a vicious cycle for years....feeling horrible...not living life to the fullest. So I need this surgery to live..

Kinky Curl Curling Custard

  Well since I tried "Mixed Chicks"...I went ahead and checked out KCCC also. Did same procedure... cowashed hair...applied product to small sections at a time while hair is dripping wet...(this is key) Once hair is scrunched and set....stop handling it...too much handling will only cause frizzies when it's dry. As you can see from the photo the results are pretty much the same... there is a slight "sniffness" once hair is completely dry but still soft. Curls are nicely defined. The small jar of this product cost about $17. 

Product Review: Mixed Chick conditioners

 So at the suggestions of a co-worker who works at a beauty supply store, I decided to try the deep conditioner and the leave-in conditioner for a product line called "Mixed Chick". She brought me a sample pack so since I frequently wash my hair, I tried it the next morning. First the deep conditioner..... smelled great and felt great on my hair. It was an instant detangler...I wasn't even trying to detangle but I noticed my fingers were able to run through immediately. Once out the shower with hair rinsed, I applied the leave-in conditioner. I did not squeeze dry my hair first because in my experience with these products I know your hair should be as wet as possible. The leave-in is almost unscented but a nice thick cream base like I like. My curl definition was immediate. I hate too much shrinkage so i was kinda finger combing the curls straighter....but being a natural tightly coiled sistah it only did so much. Found out later after watching some videos that once appli

Find Myself... literally.

Ever had that nagging feeling that you should be doing something more with your life? Nothing's wrong with how life is now, but hmmm I wanna do more. Something I enjoy doing that could also produce a lil income. Something but what? Now mind you, I know there are business ventures I can dwelve into, everyone think their product will sell itself, everyone will tell you how easy joining them will be, everyone say just give it a try. But for some strange reason it just don't feel like what I want to do. I'm at such a content but unsatisfied point in my life. I've dabbled in a few things - all with the hope of "Taking OFF" and there are days when I think that what I'm suppose to be doing should be chariable and not money producing... that maybe I'm just missing that fulfillment. idk...usually writing out my feelings help me see some things clearer but lately it hasn't. All I'm set to do is be a wife and mother right now.... something's

More DVD's

94 days till I'm the big 4-0...YAH! Every since I realized I was 100 days away I've been trying to get in some exercise. Pulled out my tried and true Shaun T doing Hip Hop Abs and also went way back and dusted off Billy Blanks ugly butt and doing his Fitness Bootcamp (which btw is ugh hard). I looked for my Walk Away the Pounds but the darn disc case was empty...with all the moving there's just no telling what happened to it. So today I decided to buy me another....toughter Leslie Sansone has soooo many WATP videos...but do you notice she still thick in the hips and thighs...been walking all these Anyway....I can hardly wait for it to arrive. Even been packing my lunch lately....not everyday but better. And my main thing is I haven't ventured to the plaza level for my all-time favorite PayDay candy bar.... I don't even care for candy much....but I absolutely love peanut M&M's and PayDay candy bar....that salt mixed with sugar is t

Walking in Circles

Well yesterday.... I began AGAIN. Yes..I took to the walking full stride. Mini-Me in tow with me. For some reason, I'm always inspired when I see someone running/jogging and I always say ' hey I want to do that'..... knowing that I have to walk before I run so I walk. I know the routine....start with 3 days 30 yourself up to your goal.... but somewhere along the lines I fizzle out. So now I begin AGAIN. For the last year, I've been so high emotionally and also so low that I had lost all motivation. Things are looking up for me.... so I vow to begin AGAIN. I want to forget the emotional ties of the past or at least to only remember the good times and build on that. Guessing It wasn't for bad as I wanted it to be...Those things weren't meant to be. Some could argue I was doomed for failure because I was too used to my comfort level..... but I want to look at it as I'm choosing to take my comfort level and take IT to anothe

Can Good Parents Have Bad Kids?

Your child is suppose to be a reflection of you. I'm just wondering how can I be considered a good parent and my child constantly is acting bad.  I'm strict by most people's standards with my house rules, cleaniness, chores and schoolwork. I'm also lenient by some people's standards...if it seems you're doing your best I'll ease up and give you some priviledges. My kids are by no stretch of the imagination....struggling or deprived. They've always had plenty of what they need and too much of what they want..... but me and her father also knew when to say 'no'. They know all the rules, they know what we expect, they know what we simply will not tolerate..... but one of them has to challenge that. Constantly. Consistently. We tighten the belt....things return to normal - one could even say better than normal....beyond expectations. But just you wait.......BAM! She hits you with something that tops the last action and you're left scratching your

From Fro to Puffs to twists....

Why is it we're never satisfied with the hair we're born with. Nappy head girls want that "good hair"... Curly head girls wish they had straight hair. Straight head girls would die for a head full of pretty curls. Well I got a good little mixture going on with my head. I've been rocking my "natural state" for about 3 years now. I was a crack-perm addict. Thought there was no other way to be. One day got up and decided I didn't want a perm, just wanted to wash and go.....soooo I whacked it off. And been sporting it that way every since. I allowed my hair to do what it do. I didn't fight it like some people say. When it was boyish short, I shampoo'd every morning and it would get the cutest soft curl so I would moisturize and go. Then as it got a little longer I would still shampoo every morning but by midday I had a TWA (teeny weeny afro) I worked it...started wearing little headbands and the short fro. It grew a little more, and I would

Gray Areas...

I'm experiencing "grey areas" in my life right now. Yes I am still separated and not divorced. Yes I still technically have a live-in boyfriend and a husband. And yes they both want to be a major part of my life. And unfortunately, I want to be a part of both of their lives but realize that can't happen. Initial sparks wear out and reality sets in..... just in my case sparks can go on a long time usually after sexual and emotional connections have gotten way too deep.  Right now I'm taking the time to redefine love in my life. Love means something different to each person. I realize in talking to different friends on a day-to-day basis...that we all view relationships differently.  Some women think that as long as he's a provider, they can put up with anything. To me money is not everything, what about the desire to be in your partner's presence?  What about having that indescribable feeling when you get that hug at the end of the day? What about looking f



Slow Motion for the New Year!

Happy New Year! Holidays are behind us and it's "Time for Change" .... yes we can say it every year and hopefully at the end of the year - there has been some positive change. 2009 was a tough year for me and for alot of stupid reasons. I put up with drama that really in retrospect didn't have shit to do with me... but if someone in your life is going through it, you kinda go thru it too. I cried nights that I shouldn't have.... I was blamed for things that I had no control of, I had a lot of miserable days in 2009 over piles of bull. Well those days are over... now I have to take care of ME. As Tamia says.... "If I have to choose, I choose me."  I finally had to tell myself, I didn't cause all this mess and I'm not going to let someone blame me for the mess their life is in. Ultimately even if you let someone's feelings/emotions affect your decisions in life, bottom line is the decision was still yours. So only YOU are to blame. I want my pe