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Showing posts from January, 2012

Down in the Dumps NO MORE...

Yesterday I was definitely in a funk. I can't seem to break that 20lb mark. I've dabbled around the same 5 pounds like forever. Almost everyday someone tells me I'm definitely losing.....I don't see it. I wear the same clothes and the scale is not moving. But I keep moving....I have definitely conquered the exercise mentality ...without fail I workout 5 times a week. Some days I try to talk myself out of the kickboxing class but I always feel great once I've accomplished anothe workout. Everyone in the class are advance MMA fighters....Seems they only do the class to appease me....I'm the new pink elephant in the room. Thank goodness they never make me feel that way. I'm headed to my regular Zumba class tonight with the girls and I'm really hoping the instructor takes it up a notch. Considering finding a more challenging class.... I catch on the dance moves almost instantly and I noticed in the last few classes that I'm so into it that I freestyle an

Knee Up...

Sometimes I don't know if pain/discomfort I'm experiencing is simply weight related or if it's something I really should get checked. I've noticed my knee is constantly irritated. Only my left knee. At Zumba last night I could barely lean to the left while squat/plie. I kinda loosens up toward the end of the hour of aerobic activity but still hurts. Some kicks and such in MMA fitness really twist my knee up..... I was thinking that maybe because I'm not getting up on my toes more that the shoe-to-carpet connection is jarring on my knee but I'm just not sure. Every morning when I jump out of bed I'm limping pretty noticeably and this morning was no different. As the old folks say "Arthur was acting up" ...that is a possibility (arthritis) since it was very irritated during this morning's rainy weather. I guess I will mention it when I go for my regular checkup in a month but for now I'll just keep working it out. ugh.....Sunshyne Out.! (phot

'Yes I Can' in my Obama voice....

I just realized that I'm so much more open to try new things. I think I was just much too comfortable in my fat chick mentality. See people think being fat is just in appearance and clothing size, but I’m here to tell you that being fat is also a mental disability so to speak. It can cripple you into thinking you can’t jump anymore, run anymore, dance anymore, be up front or speak your mind. Now doing those things yes they may hurt more with the extra weight but if you put forth the effort maybe that tiny lift off the ground becomes a full leap…..and that one two step becomes a full dance routine. I hate to even think of how much I said “I can’t” … I can’t walk a mile….I can’t wear that type of outfit….I can’t fit in there….on and on and on…. Now mind you I’m still a big girl….but my mentality is so far ahead of the game….and trust and believe the body won’t be too far behind. I got so many ideas for business ventures, for physical activities, and for helping others and I know I wi

I Zoom Zoom & Boom Boom

Think I'm getting the hang of this new "wanna-be-fit" lifestyle. I stay zooming all around town to these different Zumba classes and Kickboxing classes....I just seem to like the variety and definitely like the group setting. When I work out at home, there seem to be too many distractions and friendly drop-ins. I catch onto Zumba dances really quick no matter who's teaching so I always have fun's not as much of a challenging workout as kickboxing but I do sweat alot and get my heartrate going. Now the downside.....wanting the variety comes at a price....literally. I pay for each class separately and of course the gas I'm burning ripping and running to shake my "Boom-boom". Not to mention the extra time away from home and the mini-diva (yes my youngest child). So for now it's just something I'm thinking about making better..... But I definitely won't be using that as an excuse to not get my cardio in. "All I wanna do is

Learning to Lift

Staying motivated to exercise is not my problem during this healthy life journey.... I went to my MMA fitness class last night and found it very difficult to lift my legs. I mean surely I could lift but not enough to clear a chair height while pivoting correctly. Ugh it was difficult. They made it look so easy too.... while I do understand that this is just my beginning classes, I really want to master some of the moves. When you learn to use your body weight correctly there is so much power behind your kicks and punches. I love the prospect of knowing the strength I am building while getting a great cardio class is a whopping 800 calorie workout. Here is the practice move for this week, which is alot harder than it appears....The KickAzz Quest continues.....

Taming Da Weekend Beast

OK...I'm convinced....there's somebody else inside me on the weekend....and SHE'S A BEAST! She likes to socialize and party and eat all the wrong shit and drink alcohol like there's no tomorrow. It's amazing to me now how disciplined I can be thru the workweek....eating portioned meals and at regular intervals. That never would have been me a year ago. I could consider that some growth in the right direction. But oh lawd I gotta work on me on the weekends. Well I obviously know that and subconsciously I must be trynna do better...because I actually attempted to cook over the weekend. When I went to O'Charley's this Saturday, I only ate one of those delicious roll and only ate half of my cajun chicken pasta. lol. And limited my alcoholic beverages to 3 long island iced teas.......Yep I'll count that as a weekend victory.  Go Me... Sunshyne Out.

Kicking Azz

So my kickboxing is going pretty's tough. And she mentions a heartrate monitor during her workouts and how to monitor staying in the fat-burning zone of your heartrate. So I think I will check into getting one......I don't want to be the type that runs out and buy "the latest craze" but I'm going to research the necessity. I ate on plan today so the year is off to a good start. I have however realized I need more regular sleep. I skipped my MMA fitness class last night because I was exhausted but woke up so refreshed with the extra hours of my workout tonight went so much smoother and I could concentrate on my form more. So lesson learned.....Sleep now and Kick Azz tomorrow. Sunshyne Out.


I'm so excited about the upcoming year. I've been through so many unnecessary things in the past and my mentality is so on point now. I'm so determined to finally get my health under control and I actually love exercises now....never thought I'd ever say that. I can officially call myself moderately I hope to find other things I enjoy doing and incorporate it into my exercise activities. As part of my new year new me...I will continue to try new healthy recipes, make better choices when eating out, and finally to control my portion controls. I've learned that if I just continue to do something over and over that it becomes my norm and living a healthy lifestyle won't have to be something that I have to struggle to remember on a daily basis because A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE WILL BE MY NORM.! My suggestion to anyone that's trying to adopt a better lifestyle would be to not try to do too much too fast.....Don't let this struggle overwhelm you...just