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Showing posts from February, 2013

I'm gonna SANG like Jennifer.....

Well not really ..... but I joined WW360 on yesterday. I'm super duper excited. It's funny how God will put someone in your path to give you confirmation of something you been debating to do and then for this person to truly help you in that endeavor. I really appreciate good people surrounding me. I hope I help the lives I touch each day too. So me and my coworker just talked about it one minute and jumped online and signed up the next minute. Just like THAT!!!! BahZing! We had no plan, no clue....but even in the first day we were calling each other with new revelations that we read.....vowing to be accountable to each. I quickly realized after lunch that all those small "meaningless" morsels that I been popping in my mouth are big contributors to my plateau. I tried to blame it on the winter blues and being less active during this time and yes I'm sure that plays a factor but I'm now taking a long hard look at every little bite that I take and oh Lord Jes